Thursday, 13 September 2018

Tanzania -  Mlimani Ngarashi AA    

Varietal(s): Bourbon & Kent
Processing: Fully washed and sun dried on raised beds

A fruity full bodied sweet tasting cup

This fully washed coffee was produced by various smallholder members of the Mlimani Ngarashi Cooperative, near the town of Mondul in the north of Tanzania.
After being harvested and delivered on the same day, the cherries are pulped by a single disc pulper and are then fermented anywhere from 3 to 5 days, depending on the climate. After being washed, the parchment is then dried on raised beds for 12-13 days, until optimal humidity levels are achieved.

The Mlimani Ngarashi Cooperative is a member of the Association of Kilimanjaro Specialty Coffee Growers (Kilicafe), a producer association that works throughout Tanzania to promote sustainable growing practices and improved cup quality. In part, because of their services, the Mlimani Ngarashi group has been able to invest in more stringent processing practices, which has significantly improved the quality of the coffee and has, in turn, enabled the group to begin selling their coffee on higher-priced export markets. 

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