Wednesday, 26 September 2018

It's a Passion
We often think of our past career(s) and think now how lucky we are. We envied people who produced something an object that could be used and the workmanship appreciated like a carpenter who hand crafts a piece of furniture, an artist or sculpture, a cake or dress maker. That is what went through our minds when we decided to become coffee roasters the satisfaction that the end product is something that we have made we have produced and for someone else to enjoy – it’s a passion that we hope we share with our customers who enjoy our hand roasted artisan coffee.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Caer Urfa Coffee wishes Willie a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY all the best to you and hope you have a fun filled fantastic day and a brilliant DINNER party.

Remember Saturday the 29th September 2018 is the Winchester Coffee Festival 2018 tickets are on sale now! at…
Have fun!

Thursday, 20 September 2018

I only popped in for a coffee

The roasts
There are many types of roast and as many given names depending which side of the pond you are, here are the main three.

Light roast – mellow with crisp light flavours sometimes described as doughy.

Medium roast – well rounded flavour that shows off the unique notes from the particular coffee origins – caer urfas preferred roast.

Dark roast – rich and intense with nutty and chocolate notes

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

I only popped in for a coffee

Is usually cultivated between 600m and 2000m altitude, in temperate and tropical climates, known as the coffee belt between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, it is a rich and aromatic coffee with subtle fruity notes.

A hardier more resistant plant that grows at lower altitudes again between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, it has a more earthy flavour. As well as a standalone coffee its sometimes used with Arabica in blends to add that extra crème.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

I only popped in for a coffee.

When the fruit of the coffee plant – the coffee cherry – is ripe and ready for picking, it goes a vivid red. Each cherry contains two coffee beans, each are harvested, dried and roasted. Roasting is an essential stage that allows the aroma, colour and taste of the coffee to develop. As the beans are heated changes occur in the colour and aroma of the bean as aromatic oils are released that brings out the coffee’s flavour, the longer the roast the darker the beans and stronger the coffee. 

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Tanzania -  Mlimani Ngarashi AA    

Varietal(s): Bourbon & Kent
Processing: Fully washed and sun dried on raised beds

A fruity full bodied sweet tasting cup

This fully washed coffee was produced by various smallholder members of the Mlimani Ngarashi Cooperative, near the town of Mondul in the north of Tanzania.
After being harvested and delivered on the same day, the cherries are pulped by a single disc pulper and are then fermented anywhere from 3 to 5 days, depending on the climate. After being washed, the parchment is then dried on raised beds for 12-13 days, until optimal humidity levels are achieved.

The Mlimani Ngarashi Cooperative is a member of the Association of Kilimanjaro Specialty Coffee Growers (Kilicafe), a producer association that works throughout Tanzania to promote sustainable growing practices and improved cup quality. In part, because of their services, the Mlimani Ngarashi group has been able to invest in more stringent processing practices, which has significantly improved the quality of the coffee and has, in turn, enabled the group to begin selling their coffee on higher-priced export markets. 

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Caer Urfa Coffee likes to wish all those taking part in the Great North Run the best of luck especially Anthony Arnott (who is running) and Janice Wilkinson (who will be in attendance at the Macmillan stall in South Shields).
Good luck to everyone running or walking the GNR today x look out for me at mile 9, give me a wave and a yoohoo i will be shouting back with the Macmillan Team.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Following on from our posts promoting Bio-bean and Optiat, there's more.
Coffee can do so much more than just lifting you out of your Monday morning slump.

Here are 13 ways coffee can tackle your beauty bugbears and bring a shine to your home.
1. Exfoliate
Coffee can make a brilliant natural exfoliate. For soft, smooth skin, rub a little ground coffee in circular motions to your skin and then rinse.
2. Brighten your skin
Coffee can perk up your face as well as your morning by stimulating circulation and giving you that extra glow. Wash your face as usual and mix one tablespoon of ground coffee with two tablespoons of organic, plain yoghurt. Apply to your face, leave for around 15 minutes and then rinse.
3. Reduce under eye bags
Chill used coffee grounds in the fridge. Once they’re cool, rub under the eye area. Leave to settle on your face for about 15 minutes before rinsing.
4. Battle cellulite
Most cellulite treatment creams have one key common ingredient – caffeine.Make your own at home by mixing some warm, used coffee grounds with coconut oil and rubbing it onto your skin in circular motions before rinsing.
5. Get shiny hair
Apply a little extra-strong coffee to dry, clean hair to make it shinier.Rub the cold coffee into your hair and leave it on for around 20 minutes before rinsing.
6. Enhance coloured brown hair
Mix one or two teaspoons of ground coffee with a handful of conditioner.Rub the mixture into coloured brown hair and leave for about five minutes to enhance the colour.
7. Natural air freshener
If you love the smell of fresh coffee, coffee beans make a great natural odour-neutraliser and air freshener for your home or car. Fill a small open container with freshly ground coffee beans and it will absorb any strong aromas such as fast food or pet odours.
8. Clean your surfaces
Coffee grounds are great for scrubbing tough surfaces as they are mildly abrasive and slightly acidic. You can use them on their own or mix them in with a little washing-up liquid.
9. Unblock your drain
Pour used coffee grounds down the sink followed by a few drops of washing up liquid and a pot of boiling water to clear a blocked drain.
10. Fix tired furniture
If you have any dark wood furniture that has a small nick or scratch in it, try using coffee.Mix 2-3 tablespoons with a little water to make a thick paste. Using a plastic knife spread the paste over the scratch using a plastic knife. Remove any excess with a slightly damp cloth.Leave it to dry before buffing.
11. Bake brownies
Using cold, fresh coffee to replace milk in your brownie recipe will give your batch a flavourful kick.
12. Lengthen the life of cut flowers
Filling a small jar with a coffee-soil mix can help keep cut flowers living longer.
13. Feed your houseplants
Fresh or used coffee grounds are high in nitrogen so a small amount makes a great feed for houseplants.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Have you ever thought what to do with the dregs from your coffee machine – well entrepreneur Arthur Kay does.
With the increase in coffee shops and household coffee makers available Arthur can but the ground coffee remnants to good use, his company bio bean is able to turn the waste into bio fuel, that has the potential to be able to supple the energy needs for households and industry.

Products produced are

1.       ‘Biomass pellets’ from waste coffee grounds.
These carbon neutral, advanced biofuels are used for heating buildings, thus displacing fossil fuels.

2.     ‘Coffee Logs™’ Carbon neutral biomass briquettes from waste coffee grounds
Can fuel homes and appliances such as wood fired stoves, chimeneas and BBQs.

According to Kay, the London coffee industry alone creates over 200,000 tonnes of waste every year, so why not use that waste to good use. 

Monday, 3 September 2018

Just a quick note to let you coffee lovers out there know we at Caer Urfa Coffee will be showing off our produce at this coming Fridays 7th Septembers Farmers Market at Saxon Square, Christchurch come along and have a look.