Friday, 15 December 2017

A very Merry Christmas to all our customers, and wishing all the very very best for the New Year.


  1. "Ding~Dong~Merrily~On~High"........! :). ´*•.¸(*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´ ´*•.¸(*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´

    Tanti Cari e affettuosi di Buon Natale,
    e Felice Ann Nuovo.......!

  2. Ciao Willie, un buon Natale speciale per te. Abbiamo in programma di organizzare un'altra competizione all'inizio del prossimo anno. Non vedo l'ora.

    Hello Willie a special Merry Christmas to you. We plan to run another competition early next year. Looking forward to your entry.

  3. HaHa! There was no need to translate...! :).

    Sorry about the images..they went a bit
    skew~whiff...! :0).
